"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all Number One, we're only mortal..." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: Generations (1994)
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Star Trek XI
Finally, after years of waiting, Paramount Studios have made their official announcement of the 11th installation in the Star Trek silver screen saga...XI, scheduled to be released in 2008...no title have been coined yet though... However, looks like Brannon Braga and Rick Berman, whom have been the writers of the TNG cast since Star Trek: Generations, released in 1994 won't be writing this one...although, I've been getting used to their work... credited for the Star Trek: Voayager and Enterprise series...syndicated by UPN ...
For my fellow trekkies... the new movie poster (seen of the left) which was released in June 2006 should be a giveaway to what the next movie would be all about... the prolific insignia centered with a star ... looks like James T. Kirk will ride the galaxy again... looks like prequels are not the only thing in the Star Wars epic...
Rumour has it that Matt Damon will be playing young James Tiberius Kirk, although no storyline has been suggested as yet... I think they are keeping this under heavy wraps for the time being... but what I do know is that JJ Abrams(who directed MI:III) will be producing this one...
Well, Captain Peter Cheong signing off... and in the words of Spock... Live Long and Prosper...
Hey Aindhy, BSG 2.5 eh? For all of you who's puzzled, it's Battlestar Galactica, season 2 1/2. Well buddy, i've watched half of season 2...when BSG found its sister ship... the Pegasus, helmed by a female ADMIRAL played by Michelle Forbes... gonna be an internal political altercation ...
2 Commentsjavascript:void(0):
Hey Pete,
I guess you know that I'm not the biggest of fans BUT I can't wait either - well to say 'not the biggest' would be misleading.
HUGE fan of sci-fi (you alreay knew that Pete) BUT as far as sci-fi goes Star Treck's lower down on my 'Favourites'.
Remember the Nemesis screening?
WOULD like to see anything that Damon's a part of - his Jason Bourne is SPOT ON!!!!
In the meantime... BRING ON BSG 2.5
Hey Aindhy,
BSG 2.5 eh? For all of you who's puzzled, it's Battlestar Galactica, season 2 1/2. Well buddy, i've watched half of season 2...when BSG found its sister ship... the Pegasus, helmed by a female ADMIRAL played by Michelle Forbes... gonna be an internal political altercation ...
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