This blog is dedicated to my island-bound friend on the island of Male, Republic of Maldives. Hey Aindhy, you know how you're quite a memorabalia freak... well... I've got good news for you...
Besides the official graphic novel adaptation of Superman Returns and Brian Singer's
Superman Returns Prequels (from DC comics), I have recently acquired a cool
Superman Returns CD wallet for ya... picture a 5.5' by 5.5', 10-disc storage compartments, embossed with the pinnacular "S" and on a matte silver setting.

Hang on... I will try to get ya the original DVD rendition of the Man of Steel when I come over... about
36 days to go!!!! Currently, I'm trying to find a CD shop which carries the
Superman Returns official soundtrack by
John Ottman. If I manage to find it, you will get your own copy...I know it's really difficult to get this kinda stuff over there without unduely waiting for it.
2 Commentsjavascript:void(0):
^That was me... at a loss for words... Thanks a lot buddy... see ya soon... lemme know your exact travel plans... Cheers mate!
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