I want to SCREAM!!!!!

people are trimming their Christmas tree... doing their Christmas shopping...getting caught up with the hustle and bustle of a shopping mall... making plans for holidays...some others would be job-searching...but me?
And here I am, toiling through the weekend, day in- day out, working after lunch, in between naps and after dinner...all for the sake of fulfiling deadlines, complying with instructions and ensuring that clients are happy...
After all, the Law is a jealous mistress, her jealousy's bounds only surpassed by her supremacy and wonder...from which I sometimes get inspire and possess the strength of which I require to tarry on....
Lest I forget, I am still imminently faced with the holiday season... a harbinger of better things to come and the cliffhanger to a new year...and a better one I hope.... God give me strength, so that I can labour on in this harsh and unforgiving reality, for without Thou, I've yet to find myself sane and alive...
2 Commentsjavascript:void(0):
Hang-on there, buddy. U need to learn how & when to let go sometimes. *HUGZ*
Thank you Asther...really thoughtful of you
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