Football Holiday?!?! Hijacked! ... I tell ya

Yeah sure...we say everyone's taking it easy and clearing their mandates, but bear in mind the wheels of the economy doesn't stop spinning. It could not have come at a worse time as some of my fellow comrades in the legal fraternity found themselves hijacked and compelled to push forward deadlines leaving some of with a bitter after taste... kinda spoils the mood to usher the new year when you have your plans set out for last minute execution....a choice we sometimes have to take....
I am still working today...good thing I have a Citibank issued notebook computer in which all my work and precious notes are stored, for which I am using to complete all tasks for delivery on the 3rd of January 2011... after all, the Citi never sleeps...
Digressing, I did have a swell time catching up with my mate, Deanaharan Nair whose return from Perth could not have been better timing...the chap is one of the most intellectual fellow I've known...when Dean comes back from Sabah this Sunday, we plan to pay a visit to Suria KLCC to hunt for his Omega timepiece whilst I am likely to succumb to the lure of the Iphone 4 ...the force is strong with that one....
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