8th Day...

On the horizon, giant formations of fireworks started to blaze the dark skies. First on of the west , followed by another discharge on the east side. From afar, I can make out 'airbombs" detonating, characterized by a brilliant flash in the sky with a huge 'bang' ensuing shortly thereafter. I've been up close to one years ago and I could almost still hear the ringing in my ears! After a while, the wind blew the acrid scent of gunpowder to our direction. I can't help stop thinking about my youth, donning nothing more than a simple T-shirt and shorts running around setting off my stash of fireworks at this hour...
Ahh... the 8th day of CNY... when offerings and prayers are dedicated to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven. I remember this, for as a child, I was witness to numerous prayer rituals at Uncle Eugene's old house, which ironically is just a few streets from where I live now. My dad would be trying his luck at the mahjong table with my mum chatting with the men's' wives. My friends and I would be running wild in the neighborhood with our stock of gunpowder-propelled rockets and Roman candles!
Reminiscing old days and yet feeling irritated from interrupted sleep, I can't help but wonder why we banned firecrackers in the first place just to observe multitudes ignoring it. Being trained to observe the law doesn't quell the temptation of doing it all over again.
I slept well when I returned to bed, with memories of CNY past!
Labels: Celebration, Events