Lex Petros: Running...

Monday, February 07, 2011


I have been running for the past 3 months with a short 2 week hiatus due to the shoddy maintenance of the gym facilities (Yes! something about it MC!).

I never actually took up running as an exercise until recently... it makes the heart pump harder, I catch the goings on in the neighborhood and it increases my energy levels. There's also keeping aware of stray dogs giving chase and avoiding being run over!..

Rain halted my progress today... I only ran half of the 3km run scheduled...had to seek shelter at Kanna Curry House and relent to calling mum to pick me up... embarrassing...but then again, the prospect of catching pneumonia or worst....getting my beloved IPhone wet did not appeal to me ...:)

Not too long ago I ran for a different sort of which was too much to bear. Sometimes running is being cowardly but sometimes it's necessary to avoid a future which may spell despair and resentment... granted, I had not done it with full dignity but I am willing to make it up... it was conscience was hurting me more than my affection ... I suspect life has a cruel way of unraveling, but every action has its consequences...

Yes, I will continue to run for myself and for the right reasons... I shan't want to hurt another soul and anger the Almighty...

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