Bambi's Birthday Dinner Party
Hey all, these are some of the pictures I took during Bambi's birthday dinner party on the 27th...check them out!!

an antecedent high-school, socially-oriented, non-profit unofficial organization which was conceived spontaneously out of friendship and camaradarie back in 1991...thereabouts ) :
Dayan Selvarajah, Bambi and me. We missJay Win, Jay Kim, Mark Lee and Syamel, the other members of the B-gang. Jay Win's in New Zeland (not to far away from Bambi's place), married with kids. Jay Kim 's in the UK (he was also in New Zealand and is gone to UK for a while to advance his professional qualifications) and I lost touch with Syamel long ago...Those days were great guys and gals. Never would have enjoyed school life without you all around.

Lim Boon Wei, Bambi (discovery diver) and Eric Lee. We missed Kim and Adeline who were with us at Tioman on the 14th to 15th October. You can check out Part 1 and Part 2 of my postings under the title 'Tioman Rendezvous'

Asther Lau, our beloved diving instructor flanked by Eric Lee on the left and Mike Dolan on the right.