Polluted Air and the Bug!

I was out of action for a couple of days and stayed put at home to recover. I was getting a tad anxious when the fever did not break the first day and seemed to be increasing. After all, the h1n1 influenza outbreak recently has left everyone on alert. Fortunately for me, the good Lord was gracious enough to spare me such predicament.
I am grateful for a certain someone special who drove me out for a quick bite and spent a few hours with me to keep me company. All my love Raz!
I got better on wednesday, only to expend my efforts to resist an application to set aside my client's judgment and to oppose a winding-up petition. The proceedings went well. Being taken on always motivates me to perform. I think I gave my opponent a run for his client's money! :)
I still have the flu. I hope to see a full recovery by the turn of the week.
3 Commentsjavascript:void(0):
Get well soon mate!
Thanks buddy. Not only do I have to contend with a cold, now my eyes are infected...conjunctivitis!!! Man, this just keeps getting better and better.
Thought you might be amused at what I did with your photo...
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