Deanaharan Nair, my favourite
Malayali friend (
of origins, but very much Malaysian), returned from Perth. Been almost 2 years now since he left to Perth to pursue his masters at law, undertaking interesting subjects, namely O&G law, Advance Contract and Taxation law. Dean and I met during our undergraduate days. He was my junior and was one of the best debators and public speaker I've ever met. He's partner in crime then...and possiblly still is,
David Livesy, a horribly rich English business man who decided to read law in the later years of his life. Hats off to good ol David.
Not so suprisingly, Dean's currently working for an oil & gas company in Perth,
Clough Limited (it's pronounced as '
klaff', in case you were wondering) I suppose it makes sense to be in an industry which is never seen to be affected substantially by recession.
Earlier this week, I met Dean on 'Chor Yee' (Monday, 2nd day of
Chinese New Year) after obliging his invitation to his place in Ara Damansara. As usual,
Davin Nair, Dean's younger brother, reunites with the family everytime Dean comes back to M'sia. Davin recently gratuated from flight school and our beloved pilot (
or as Charlie Chin, Dean's childhood friend, pronounces it as "Pee-Lot", which incidentally jinxed Charlie's drive as he discovered when he got pulled over by the coppers whilst he was making fun of Davin ) will soon be serving
MAS. Once again, I found myself embraced by Dean's parents' hospitality, the same I've always received over the years. That meet-up was quite an interesting one. There, I met Dean's cousin (forgot her name) and her husband,
Ralph, a German dude with a flare for cooking...curries!! and is described to be an Asian at heart, who is an execellent cook. Good ol Ralph baked butter cookies (kurang manis somemore) which I thought went well with whisky...
On Wednesday (when I was still on leave), I met Dean at the
Megamall, Midvalley City to have lunch. We satisfied our palates at
Madam Kwan's. Unfortunately, our meet-up was shortlived as Dean had to meet up with an acquaintance.

Last nite, I found myself at Dean's house again, just a little get-together before he flew back to Perth today. Charlie Chin was there and I had the privilege to meet
Lincoln Liew (right pic) (who, of course, disliked ppl's association of Abraham Lincoln with him), an efferversent character, working for
British American Tabacco as a contract administrator. Lincoln was justa bundle of laughs. There was also
Bruno (not any relative of Brutus or Spike)
, Guat Hong (Cambridge-educated lawyer turned agriculturist) and
Hanisha & sisters (Dean's ex-classmate from Institut Nirwana). As expected, the booze never stopped flowing. No moment was dull with everyone around. With Lincoln and Dean on a roll, I didn't think we'd be able to stop laughing without serious cramps.
The nite was just not about getting rambunctious and inebreated. I did learn few things (you learn something new every day) :
1) Bruno taught me how to properly remove the seal around the cork of a wine bottle (most ppl would open it from the mouth of the bottle, near the rim of the cork, but it is easier to preforate the seal just slightly lower than the rim of the bottle)
'Mechatronics' is NOT a major in robotics, but mechanical and electrical engineering. Then again, according to Lincoln it's doing the 'robot' in the land where pilgrims go to (
Do the Lincoln would jostle) (
this started when Davin told us of his first degree in Mechatronics)
3) A plane taking off produces
wake turbulence. These vortices poses a danger to aircraft intending to takeoff and those in its path (
again, this was from Davin's input, needless to say)

4) An Indian actress who is named
ASIN (left pic) is really HOT! (
speaking of my penchant for the brown kind)I knew the nite was too much for me when I was awoken by Dean in my own car. I decided to head for home after sobering up. Already missing the guy who claims to pay homeage to Indian villains ala Tamil movies (
characterised by the distinctive moustache Dean grew when he came back). Well, let's see if I brush aside my routine for a trip to Perth this September...I will try not miss Dean's graduation...nah...that's not it. I should be saying, I going to need a break, so I'm gonna take the excuse to go to Australia.