When Will People Ever Learn???

If it was any other kidnapping with a ransom note or demand to follow, like in the movies, I'd be less disgusted, but with the level of perversion and sex-crazy creeps out in the streets, and our streets at that, I cannot begin to imagine the horror that will ensue.
It's sickening to know that there are predators out there preying on girls like Nurin Jazlin, but equally sickening to know the people NEVER LEARN anything from incidents like these...CAN'T YOU PEOPLE REALIZE THAT THESE BASTARDS ARE STILL OUT THERE!!! Don't let your kids go anywhere alone!!!! It's not the time yet.
Now would be a good time to debut the "Nurin Alert" (click here) or some semblance of it...perhaps the parents' speculations could be true, that Rekha was just causing some panic by virtue of adolescent issues, but then again, nobody is sure. For Rekha and her parents' sake, I really hope they are right about this time...
The police in Penang have mounted a massive manhunt now, but it is also the community's obligation to keep an eye, kinda of like an adaption of the "neighhourhood principle".
A few things that came to mind, which I have acronymed "S.A.F.E."when dealing with the precarious security of our children or loved ones or even ourselves for that matter:-
1) S = Strength in Numbers
- Never leave the safety of your home ALONE.
- Have at least one decently-stature adult. Even if the child were to be with his/her parent/guardian, it serves as a deterrent for kidnappers to be.
- In a kidnapping scenario, two persons can put up a better fight and by clinging on to each other, there is more combined weight and mass
- I would think an abductor would not spend those few precious seconds to tussle for a victim
2) A= Alert home at all times
- Let someone in the house know where you're going and if possible, which route you would be taking.
- In any abduction case, it is imperative to trace the steps to figure out the point of abduction, the most likely trajectory of the assailants and far-fetched, the most probable motive for the abduction. It may sound very inconceivable, but these things may provide a lead in desperate times.
- Cell phones are useful. You can program a speed-dial number in case an emergency call burst is required.
3) F = Find refuge
- If there are suspicious characters whom you have noticed, go immediately to the nearest police station/shelter.
- Know your neighbours well. It would be an asset if you'd find yourself needing refuge in times of danger when en route to your destination.
4) E = Emergency Procedures
- If possible, make sure you or your child is equipped with a cell phone.
- Self-defense execution is also essential in times like these. Some basic moves are useful when confronted with these assailants. At least, hold out long enough so that they abandon the deed or at least to draw enough attention. Shouting "FIRE" on top of your voice would help!
- Pepper sprays, an umbrella, something sharp (like keys or a penknife) or a T.A.S.E.R. (unfortunately, they're not legal for civilian use...yet). Frankly, my personal favourite is a Glock 19 semi-automatic 9mm (if only....)
I only wish that people STOPPED BEING IGNORANT or APATHETIC about the level of social decadence in the days we live in. It's the only way we can safeguard our security. There is a new war going on, and it's a war which we can not choose to go A.W.O.L.
Also click here to see the article on the Star online.
Labels: Community